Thursday, April 30, 2009
This past Sunday, April 26, was our first Sunday in our new building on our new campus! What an awesome day! We had ALL the family together -- in ONE service. It was high worship, tears of joy, a great sense of the power of God and His wonderful goodness to us. We are finally in our new home.
Funny thing.....I really don't expect to be in this new home for long. Am I planning on leaving? No. Is my pastor/husband looking to serve elsewhere? No. I just happen to know that, as a child of God, I'm but a pilgrim in this land, and I think we 'aliens and pilgrims' are closer to our heavenly home than ever. That's a good news and bad news thing. Good news for the Christian; bad for the unbeliever. Good news for those of who who still have mortgages! (Even a church mortgage!)
Ah well, I didn't begin this to write about 'how long' we have on this earth. I began this to show you some pictures of our new church! Ladieeeeez annnnd Gentlemen! Presenting......
Sheridan SIX POINTS Wesleyan CHURCH!
First Pic - The Youth Cafe', 2nd Pic: Multipurpose Sanctuary/Banquet Room, viewing from the back, and 3rd pic; same room, viewing from the front. Wanna see the rest of it? Come see us!
Friday, March 20, 2009
What I Learned in Hymnology
Whater my God ordains is right - His will is ever just.
How’er He orders now my cause I will be still and trust.
He is my God — Though dark my road
He holds me that I shall not tall, Wherefore to Him I leave it all.
What’er my God ordains is right — He never will deceive;
He leads me by the proper path, and so to Him I cleave,
And take content, what He hath sent,
His hand can turn my griefs away, and patiently I wait His day.
Whater my God ordains is right, Though I the cup must drink.
That bitter seems to my taint heart, I will not fear or shrink;
Tears pass away, With dawn of day,
Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart, And pain and sorrow all depart.
Whater my God ordains is right; My light, my life is He.
Who cannot will me aught but good, I trust Him utterly.
For well I know In joy or woe, We soon shall see, as sunlight clear.
How faithful was our Guardian here.
Whater my God ordains is right; Here will I take my stand.
Though sorrow, needs, or death make earth for me a desert land;
My Father’s care is round me there.
He holds me that I shall not fall; And so to Him I leave it all.
— Samuel Rodigast
Friday, March 6, 2009
Later, after lunch that afternoon, my girls were playing between the kitchen, dining area and living room, and Katie, a little over a year old, stumbled while walking, and bumped her head on something. She began to whimper, and I screwed up my face to make it look funny (and hopefully make her laugh) and I said, "Oh, poor is hard!" Then it hit me; Of course, Emily is going to tell her teacher that life is hard, because that's what she constantly hears her mama say! It was most often in jest, nevertheless, it was one of my common remarks.
Another phrase I used quite frequently back then was "good night!" If I was amazed, confused, shocked or perplexed, I would say "good night". Funny thing about that is this -- my good friend, Cindy, had a phrase she used quite frequently, too, and it was this, "Great day!" It hit my funny bone awfully hard one time when she and I were talking in her kitchen, and interspersed in our conversation with each other was "Good night!" and "Great day!".
Looking back over my life I can honestly say life has been hard. There have been a lot of rough patches in the road, wounds in need of healing, burdens to bear. Do I think my life has been different from anyone else's? No, not really. I'm sure there are many who have faced hard spots in life much tougher than the ones I've had. The cool thing (another phrase from the past) about it all is this: No matter how many times the thought comes to my mind that 'life is hard' -- it's followed up with this thought -- but God is good. And He is! God IS good -- all the time!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday Nights
Katie was reading and 'talking' with friends on facebook. Katie doesn't just cut everyone out when she's doing these things --- she makes you a part of it, whether you want to be or not. (BIG SMILE). I often get to hear excerpts (looooong excerpts) of the books she reads, and although sometimes it drives me nuts (which.... REALLY doesn't take MUCH at all!) I get giddy listening to her because I'm so happy that she loves books (like her mama, her grammie, her great grandma, and so on) AND that she shares things with me (Again, sometimes whether I want her to or not....). And she's trying to teach herself guitar. Last night she played me a song, and I thought, "this kid is getting pretty good!"
It reminded me of when I got my first guitar when I was 13. We pulled in our driveway that day, and I could see from the van as we pulled in that there was a large box inside the storm door, and I KNEW it was the $13 guitar that mama had ordered for me from Sears! My fingers were soooo sore at the end of that day, because I determined NOT to stop until I could play at least one song. (Understand here, I'd never been taught anything about how to play one, so I was teaching myself also.) I remember going downstairs that evening, sitting on top of the kitchen table, and making mama listen to me as I 'played' "Swanee River" for her, complete with loooooong pauses in between key changes. I can still hear myself: "Way.... (key change) down upon the (key change) Swanee (key change) River..... In between each key change was probably five seconds of adjustment while I got my fingers just right for the next chord. Mama and daddy encouraged me even though there were probably many times they just really didn't have the time, energy or patience to listen.
And then there's my wonderful hubby, Steve. He has just the right knack for picking out movies for us to watch. When we moved to Pennsylvania years ago, my sister, Jenny travelled there with us to help us unpack and get settled in. One night after a day of unpacking, we rented a movie. (I mean, STEVE rented the movie.) It was UNFORGETTABLE. To this day, we still fondly remember "Matewan" -- to us, the dud of all duds in movies. We watched it, and at the end of it looked at each other with this puzzled look on ALL of our faces, then bursted out laughing! He picked one out at the library yesterday. It looked so good.... to Him. I looked at it and said, "probably a 'Matewan', to which we both laughed --- and checked it out. After he got in from attending a viewing, he pops the movie in and the girls join him in watching it. I showered and got ready to go to bed and read, and they were telling me the location of the movie, to which we were all familiar with. and so I went in to watch it. The locations we knew.... the plot........."Matewan" all over again! they had it on about 45 minutes and turned it off! That's my guy! (Except HE'S NOT a "Matewan". He's a CLASSIC!